Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
New Email Address
Please take note!
Our email doesn't work anymore. We are now using this new email
Please call 019-216 3056 for more information. Thank you.
Kepada Semua Pelanggan,
Sila ambil perhatian!
Email kami tidak lagi berfungsi. Kami sekarang menggunakan email baru ini
Sila hubungi 019-216 3056 untuk maklumat lanjut. Terima kasih.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Massage Therapy Research Centers

© Sylvia Carlson
In Canada, The Canadian Touch Research Center (CTRC) conducts, supports and collaborates on research aimed at pain relief, pain prevention and improved quality of life. The CTRC’s clinical research includes:
- Physical and physiological (flbromyalgia, muscular performance, prevention of work accidents, chronic muscular pain, etc.).
- Psychological (impact of massage on stress, professional depletion, bodily perception, behavior problems, etc.).
- Human relations (palliative care, premature babies, etc.).
One of the leading research institutes on touch therapy is the The Touch Research Institute.
They have conducted over 100 studies on the positive effects of massage therapy and the numerous beneficial effects on our health and well-being. The Touch Research Institute was established in 1992 by its Director Dr. Tiffany Field at the University of Miami School of Medicine.
Some of the more significant research findings from The Touch Research Institute on the positive effects of massage therapy include:
- enhanced growth in preterm infants,
- diminished pain particularly for musculoskeletal problems,
- decreased autoimmune problems for individuals with chronic health conditions such as diabetes or asthma,
- enhanced immunity, and most notably,
- decreased stress hormones.
One of the major government funded research programs in the United States is the The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. They focus on a variety of complimentary and alternative health modalities, including massage and other bodywork practices and how these effect the body and the mind. These studies can help us understand how specific techniques work on the body and can help to create more standardized techniques that can be proven to help with a particular health condition.
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health has recently funded the following massage and bodywork research studies:
- Effect of Massage on Chronic Low Back Pain
- A Model for the Mechanism of Action of Massage
- An Investigation of Jin Shin Treatment after Stroke
- Craniosacral Therapy in Migraine Feasibility Study
- Effects of Massage on Immune System of Preterm Infants
- Massage Benefits in HIV+ Children: Mechanisms of Action
- Massaging Preterm Infants Enhances Growth
- Neuro-Hormonal Effects of Massage Therapy
- Reiki and Physiological Consequences of Acute Stress
- Therapeutic Massage for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
The Massage Therapy Foundation is another organization that helps to advance the dissemination of information and knowledge about massage therapy through the funding of scientific research and education. They have an extensive Massage Therapy Research database that is free. You just have to register to gain access.
Massage and Stress Management

However, although most of my practise comprises medical/therapeutic massage, rehabilitation massage, and so on, I do have the occasional opportunity to perform relaxation massage. There are those among us who refer to this as 'fluff and buff'; I use the phrase myself, but I do not mean to demean the practice of this type of massage.
In fact, there are days when a gentle relaxation, Swedish, whatever you wish to call it type of massage is just what the doctor ordered. Sometimes an hour of soft lighting, soothing music, and the undivided attention of caring hands is exactly what someone needs to restore them to a state of clear mind and healthy body.
This hour gives the body and mind a chance to let go of the physical and emotional tensions of the day. It's a chance to let the mind wander where it will, following the music or whatever paths it chooses, to explore the connection of mind and body. Many of my clients who receive regular massage, whether the relaxation or the more medical type, report to me that over time they have become more aware of their bodies and their response to stress factors.
I find this encouraging. Knowing when you are under stress, recognizing the effects in yourself, is half the battle to defeat those effects and reclaim good health for yourself.
Stress Management Tips

Whatever your stress level, everyone can benefit from learning techniques to manage stress. Determining the source of stress is the first step, followed by personal evaluation and possible removal or reduction of the source.
Major life changes of any kind are always stressful. A move, a job change or a divorce can cause stress that lingers for a year or more. Don't assume that you are "over it" or that a major event is no longer relevant to your stress level.
Other common sources of stress are marital problems, financial difficulties and issues involving children. A birth or a death in the family is obviously a major life altering circumstance with long lasting effects.
Often the first signs of being "stressed out" are physical symptoms. Any new symptom that doesn't clear up within a week or two should be checked by a doctor and evaluated as a possible stress response.
Anytime you feel as if you are suffering from stress related symptoms, take a moment and do a quick evaluation of these typical stress indicators.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
10 Benefits of Massage Therapy
1. Relieves stress and promotes an overall feeling of relaxation, helping you breathe and move more easily.
2. Alleviates pain and tension and helps you manage pain better.
3. Promotes faster recovery from injuries (work, trauma, accident or sport related).
4. Increases mobility and provides greater joint flexibility and range of motion.
5. Improves circulation (blood and lymph).
6. Improves and strengthens immune system.
7. Relieves musculoskeletal problems and improves posture
8. Relieves pregnancy discomforts.
9. Reduces anxiety and promotes an overall feeling of well-being.
10. Increases body awareness and increases body-mind connection.
Why Have Massage?

- 39% of the voters suggested that the reason they did not have regular massage or bodywork was because of the expense.
- 31% said they were not comfortable with the idea of having a massage.
- 24% suggested they had other reasons or didn't have enough information.
- 8% had no time.
- Statistics on Stress and Stress-Related Problems
- Now take a look at these statistics on stress and stress-related problems:
75-90% of visits to family physicians are for stress-related problems. - The World Health Organization identified job-related stress as a worldwide epidemic.
- In a 2000 annual Gallup Poll on attitudes in the American workplace, 80% of workers felt stressed on the job; nearly 50% said they needed help in managing their stress; and 42% said their coworkers needed help; 62% find that they end the day with work-related neck pain.
- The National Safety Council estimates that 1 million American employees are absent every day from work because of stress-related problems.
- 65% of North Americans take prescription medications daily, 43% take mood altering prescriptions regularly.
- Alcohol is commonly used to cope with anxiety. 72% of Canadians consume alcohol each year.
Is Massage Therapy Expensive?
Many extended health care plans cover massage therapy visits.
On average, massage therapy will cost approximately US$1.00 per minute of time spent, whether that is chair massage or an actual full body massage at a clinic, office or spa. That works out to about US$50 for 50 minutes of relaxation.
Most of us can easily spend US$50 dining out one evening, buying weekly coffee at Starbucks, or regularly consuming alcohol.
If you find that massage therapy is beyond your budget, there are other ways to get the benefits. You could always sign up for a couple's massage or introductory acupressure or foot reflexology class and learn how to do it yourself. You could also call up a massage school and ask about their student rates.
So back to the original question of why massage?
Quite simply, massage is one of the oldest forms of healing. It is a drug-free and non-invasive way of helping to relieve pain, stress and tension. It can help you cope better with stress and has shown to be effective in helping to reduce anxiety. If stress is getting the better of you, why not try one of the 100 different massage therapy techniques available.
For those somewhat uncomfortable about having to disrobe for a massage, there are a number of massage techniques where that is not required (i.e. reflexology, shiatsu, chair massage, acupressure).
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Don't Worry, Be Happy!

Here are some stress-busting tips from the Detroit Medical Center: -
-Do something just for yourself.
-Discuss your feelings with a friend or family member.
-Exercise at least three times a week.
-Avoid overindulging in food, alcohol or over-the-counter medications.
-Eat at least one hot meal a day.
-Cut down on drinks that contain caffeine.
-Learn and use meditation or relaxation exercises.
-Take up yoga or Tai Chi.
-Go see a funny movie or rent a comedy from a video store.
-Have regular physical examinations.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Ten Steps to Give yourself an at Home Manicure

Ten Steps to Give yourself an at Home Manicure
This is a fun, easy, and safe way to achieve polished fingernails without paying the higher beauty store prices when going through these ten steps. This is for adults only, or to do with adult supervision for younger girls, always keeping safety in mind, and always putting the products up safely after use. Before beginning, wash your nails thoroughly, even with the polish on your fingernails. Try mostly to get your nails clean underneath your nail cartilage where it is not attached to the skin before beginning. If you notice growths, tiny knobs under there, or any redness or dirt substance that does not come out from under your fingernail bed, stop this process, and go to see a medical doctor.
You will need:
- 1 pack of cotton balls
- 1 fingernail polish remover
- 1 emery board
- 1 nail trimmer
- 1 cuticle remover
- 1 bottle of fingernail polish
- A couple of paper towels
Nail polish removing.
If you frequently use fingernail polish, your natural nail can become tinted a little of a yellowing color, not to be confused with bold yellow, and not red or green, or swollen. If your fingernails or fingers start to become red, green, or swollen, seek medical attention immediately. If you are doing ok, and your nails are now their natural color, go to step 2.
Filing your nails with an emery board.
You can use the emery board quite effectively on the end of your nail, in order to give it a consistent shape and make the tip of your nail smooth, not rough. Emery board comes in all shapes and sizes, and you can even look for one to fit your personality or wardrobe color-wise. As soon as you are done smoothing the tips of your nails in a uniform manner, proceed to the next step 3.
Trimming your fingernails.
You should trim your nails at least once a month if they are healthy. Never trim unhealthy, discolored or brittle fingernails. Never trim your nails to the quick, which is the place where your fingernail cartilage meets your skin.
Be mindful of safety, even at this stage of the process. If you have hypoglycemia, or any other disease such as Parkinson’s or nerves, do not clip your own fingernails if you might have an issue of safety. Some fingernails are hard, and take some sharper fingernail cutters to cut through them. If this is the case with yours, you may want to consider going to a salon or a simple medical visit and have a professional trim them. However, if not, trim away. This is mostly a basic and fun procedure for most people. Then start with step #4.
Cuticle removing.
Again, you would want to check your cuticle area for rashes, redness, swelling, discoloration of any kind, and if any of those issues are present in your cuticle, seek the advice of a medical professional before pushing it back.
If you find that it looks pretty much like your fingernail and finger color, but with a different smoother and softer texture, go ahead and push the cuticle back with the cuticle remover, which is a little stick like device with a softer but firm tip made especially for the cuticle. It is not a cutting type tool. It looks a little shorter than a chopstick, but has a necessary soft tipped end to make sure that your cuticle does not get damaged.
Push back your cuticles one at a time using the cuticle removing tool. These are available from nearly any beauty supply store, or store that carries fingernail accessories of any kind. These are also relatively inexpensive.
It is important to note that if at any time in your process for any reason, if your nails start to bleed mildly or a lot, stop this procedure at once. This is not likely to happen in a normal fingernail manicure, but it may be a nice way of warning you of a problem with your own nails that you may need to get medical attention for.
Pick a color.
Application of finger nail polish color.
Each bottle of nail polish comes with it's own applicator inside the bottle, attached to the handle of the fingernail polish bottle. Just unscrew the fingernail polish bottle, and scrape off the excess fingernail polish on the fingernail polish brush applicator on the side of the bottle itself. You can use a paper towel for this process, but you may end up with paper towel residue mixed into your color, so I would not recommend it. Also, you need to make sure that you have a steady hand for this in order to get your finger nail polish on your fingernail area only, not on your skin. Skin always needs to breathe, and cannot with polish on it.
When you are ready, take the applicator holding non-dripping color to your nails, brushing from the base of your fingernails upward towards the top tip of your nail. Make sure you coat your whole nail evenly. Starting at the base of the nail and applying polish in an upward motion helps you evenly coat your nail.
Correcting polish mistakes.
If you make a mistake, take a paper towel and douse it with nail polish remover as you did with the cotton ball in step one, and try to get the excess polish off your skin using the flat edge of the paper towel. Then, if you need to re-coat that fingernail, go ahead. If not, great. Just move on to the next fingernail until you are done.
Second coats of nail polish.
Wait at least ten minutes before applying a second coat. You should not paint over your nails another time unless your nail polish is dry the first time. Without air, or low to medium speed fans blowing on them, it will take about five minutes for your fingernails to dry. Using high-speed fans near your wet nail polish can move your fingernail polish around your fingernail and mess its even coat up.
Quick drying nails.
Save and print this article to have your own home fingernail painting party repeatedly.
This is a fun and easy way to polish your own nails at home without paying the higher priced salon prices. Save this article, and print it out for your own fingernail painting party. Use this time as a de-stressing technique for you while beautifying your fingernails, or use this time as a special and fun group nail polishing time, inviting your closest family and friends to have a home nail polish party with you.